So today I was picked up by three gray guys from church Kevin, Justin and Joe. I was told to be ready at 8:25am and they did not tell me where we were going. Corie only told me to eat a good breakfast and take some tums with me. So I made a couple egg sandwiches and made my way to the meeting place. We drove west on 50 and I was so lost as to where we were going. We made it all the way to Columbia Tusculum before they realized they missed their turn. When they started to head in the right direction I joked about the area we were in and said so are we going to do a drug deal cause we were in a shady area. We finally made it to Lunken Airport to Hanger 4510. The plane was running a little late but no worries we sat around and talked and I was getting excited because I was not for sure what was about to happen. Finally we got the call to go to the gate and it was obvious we were going flying but I did not know where. They then told me it was a city sightseeing tour. The Lord is awesome because I had never told anyone that I had wanted to do this ever since I have moved to Cincinnati. We took off and headed back by Mariemont and I say the High school that I work at.

Then we flew by Indian Hill High school.
We flew over Kings Island
And then I got to take the yoke and fly for awhile. The wind was pretty bad so turbulence was rough. I flew over 75 and headed to CVG where I was going to be talked through a touch and go which I was excited and very nervous about. The nervousness got the best of me and I ended up having to give the yoke back to the pilot because I was about to loose my cookies which I did :(. We broke off from the touch and go and headed to downtown. This is where I was really excited to go so I could get pictures of the stadiums and the city. I got some really good shots with my phone. Gotta love the iPhone camera abilities.

At the end of the flight, we headed back to Lunken and landed. I was still pretty queezy and on the ride back home we were going to stop and get coffee but I ended up throwing up again in the car so I had the guys take me home. I had a great time and was so blessed to be able to have the chance to go flying. I have been pretty sick all day but am getting better. I did not get to spend time with my dad, brother and friend David later in the afternoon, that I would have liked, but flying was fun. The Lord has put great friends and family in my life who have shown Corie and I love and support through all these years and I am overjoyed to know they are there for us.
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