This week has been somewhat stressful and fun as well. My hours at the hospital have been cut from 5 days a week down to 3 days a week. My co-worker is also in this boat. She was rather angry about this as she has two children and a babysitter who need a reliable schedule. While I was upset, I had to take this news in stride as I did not have control over the situation. I also realize that this reduction in time may be a benefit to my current prego situation. My outlook on this is that my glass is half full. Yes, it bites that my hours and therefore my income have been cut, however, I still have a job, I am able to schedule doctor appointments and not miss work, I can sleep in a couple of times a week, and I am not as exhausted at the end of the week. Although, growing a human being is exhausting enough. :-)
I am thankful for these little blessings that have come from a reduction in hours as I did not see them previously. I love that the Lord is taking care of me even when I do not expect it and it seems like a negative situation.

Not much to report on the baby front this week. I do feel like the internal massage is continuing and getting a bit more intense as he gets bigger and bigger each day. This has led me to think/feel like a belly dancer of sorts, only he is doing all the dancing to make my belly move.

In other life happenings, Brock and I along with some lovely friends, Jessi and Kevin; decided to complete our tours of the Kentucky Bourbon trail, which we started about 1 year ago. We headed south to visit the last of the distilleries on our list. We first went to Maker's Mark where we had a wonderful tour of the facilities, were given lots of information, and at the end given taste tests of 3 of their products and a bourbon ball. I admit I did allow just enough of each of the 3 liquids onto my lips to have a brief taste. I discovered that I really rather enjoyed the Maker's 46 which is a regular bourbon and the only change that occurs to make in unique is that the company will open a barrel before it has completely aged and they add 10 planks of French Oak. It gives it just enough of a difference. I really did enjoy it. I am going to need to purchase some to enjoy after Lil Lusch is no longer breast feeding. Not sure when that will be but looking forward to it. We continued our journey over to Heaven Hills Distillery. We quickly discovered that there is not one bourbon by this name but rather Heaven Hills is a collection of several different items. I must say I rather appreciated the smaller distilleries than the large ones like this. I did learn something new that I had not previously though. When drinking bourbon, if you add just a touch of water, it will change the flavor and body of the bourbon. It was quite interesting and a wonderful new tidbit. So for just that bit of knowledge it was worth the visit.

Our journey was going to conclude by a visit back to the Jim Beam facilities for a dinner at their new restaurant which we were told last year would be completed about this time. Unfortunately this was not the case, however, we were allowed to taste there wares as well in the new tasting facility. It was a really unique experience as each person was given a card with 4 available pours. All you had to do was slide the card in, push the bottom and the machine poured bourbon into your snifter. So cool. Again, I only tried 2 and just enough to have a bit on my lips. We were also given the name of a really funky place to dine at in Louisville. I can't remember the name for the life of me but the food was fantastic, the company was wonderful, and I really enjoyed our brief trip south.
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