Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The 3rd trimester has begun and there is much anticipation that comes with this last 3rd of the pregnancy.

I attended an appointment at the family doctor this week to get a vaccine to help protect this little fella from getting a bad case of whooping cough once he is born.

This week is also one week before visiting my family for thanksgiving.  I am sure that everyone remembers that feeling of anticipation in college when a break is coming when you relax, don't have homework right in your face, and you just want to get away for a minute.  That is what Brock and I were feeling.  We both just greatly desired a break from our lives and could not wait until we saw all of my family.  I especially am excited to see my brother as he will be in from Colorado as well.

I have also felt the expansion of this dude and a lot of movements as he gets bigger.  He has found my ribs and it feels as though I have deep tissue bruises.  Unfortunately, the morning sickness and exhaustion have come back.

I also got the opportunity to make my classic pumpkin pie (my momma's recipe, and her grandpa's recipe) to share with friends at our annual thanksgiving feast as part of our church.  I always love baking this pie as it has so many memories that come back from just the taste, the blending of ingredients to make a simple sweet treat.  What a gift from the generations before me.  So many people have enjoyed this tradition of my family.  I am thankful I have this little treasure to pass to my son.  I have also discovered that it is much more difficult to make pie at the counter with a belly poking out.  Still the pie was very worth it.  And so many people told me they enjoyed it very much.  At thanksgiving there is no other desert that I ever want or touch!  I am a bit spoiled when it comes to this. 

The other thing that happened this week for the first time that really made me giggle is that Brock had his first experience with "Baby Brain."  I did not know that the dad could be affected by this very real psychological experience that occurs during pregnancy.  I am thankful I am not the only one who has this experience as our little guy gets bigger.  I don't care what doctors say it is real and I am wondering how many other husbands experience Baby brain alongside their wives.  

So Momma's out there, chime in with your Baby brain stories whether your hubby joins in on this or not.  I would love to hear the stories. 

We didn't get a belly bump picture this week but stay tuned for there are lots of weeks left.