Saturday, December 9, 2017

Sittin' On Santa... Not a Family Tradition.

Image result for sitting on santa's lap
This kid... Stock photo that I found on google.
Note: Real beard :-)
As I scroll through my Facebook, I am beginning to see all the wonderful kiddos sitting on Santa's lap.  I first want to say that Brock and I have NOTHING against this tradition.  And I really do enjoy seeing the kids and how they have grown since the previous year.

I realized also, that we do not have any pictures of our kids with Santa and I am ok with this.  If you read my previous post about Family Traditions you got a peek into the deliberation and contemplations that have occurred over the years within our family.  This was another tradition that we discussed both through the lens of our own upbringings and through our belief system.  I personally, do not remember sitting on Santa's lap and found out from my two older siblings when I was rather young that Santa was not real.  So this tradition did not hold much value for me.

If I remember correctly, we decided that we didn't want to actively seek out a Santa for our son to get his picture taken.  We also REALLY did not want to pay-to-play.  We work very hard for our money, attempt to spend it wisely, pay off debt as quickly as possible, and not spend on unnecessary items.  And the one opportunity that did arise for a free shot at the red suited man's lap was outside after sunset nearing H's bedtime.  That first year H was 10 months old and it was cold outside.

Risk a melt down to have our baby sit on a strange man's lap after standing in line in the cold for the chance to do something that he doesn't understand and won't remember?  OR Skip the entire idea for the year and see what happens when he is almost 2 the following year. 

A few parts of me arose in the decision making process that night:
1. I'm selfish and I wanted to go home and not deal with a cranky kid.
2. I did not want to occupy my 10 month old for 15 min in line for a semi decent picture with a Santa that may or may not have a real beard (We take beard's serious in our home - Have you seen Brock's.  Real is the only way to go if you are going to visit a Santa). :-P
3. I did not want to deal with throwing H off his schedule any more than necessary.
4. I did not really want to sit him on a strangers lap and potentially have him melt down/freak out/refuse and have wasted the time.

So in the grand scheme of Santa Sittin', we have never participated.  Brock and I have more fully formed our view of Santa, who we believe was a real person in the form of St. Nickolas. We have not directly told the kids about Santa (who he is, what he does) but it is unavoidable. So we have chosen to be honest with our children.  We have explained to H that Santa is not a real person.  We have also explained that we do not tell this to others as we do not want to take the mystery/magic/gift of Santa away from others.  This is not a loving thing to do.  We have not removed Santa from our home either.  We have a few Christmas decorations of Santa that we enjoy and movies that involve him each year.

Instead, We teach our kids that we celebrate Christmas as it is the time of year that Jesus was born. We read through our kids Bible with them and celebrate advent which is a time to be patient and wait on Jesus' return.  We teach them that Jesus is real as are all of the stories in the Bible. We have just as many, if not more, ornaments that reference Jesus than Santa. And as the years continue we likely will not add to the Santa collection. We want to make sure that H and R grasp the reason for Christmas and not get caught up in all of the commercialized aspects of the holiday.

And so to the parents who do seek out a Santa sitting sessions to make the season magical for your kiddos, I say well done.  Keep blessing them and raising them with love and kindness.  You are a great parent and keep up the amazing work you do each day.

To the parents out there that have landed in Brock and I's ball park where Santa is not a Family Tradition; what are your reason's for not seeking a Santa sitting session? What do you teach your kiddos? How did you reach the decision?  I'm truly curious to know so leave a comment, shoot us a message, or respond the easiest way you know how.

Image result for elf on the shelf ideasPraying you are all Warm and Well Fed in this Season of Celebration.
BWM~ Corie

PS - We don't do Elf on the shelf either but I'm so amazed by the creativity,  commitment, and effort you all put into it.  I find the different scene's to be hysterical. Well, Done! Thanks for making me giggle. Honestly, I think sometimes this is more so the parents can have fun than it is for the kids. :-)

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Family Traditions?

Disclaimer: Admittedly this is a longer one but hey it's good stuff and you get more of our story so take a peak.... I dare you! And besides I go back to work Tuesday so you might not hear from me for  a while.

As many of us wrap up Thanksgiving and dive into the Christmas Season, I am positive that we are all completely busy and trying to cram even more events into the schedule.  Not to mention the disruptions that the holidays cause such as the extra shopping, kids being out of school and parents still working, seasonal jobs, overtime (which I am about to jump back into on Tuesday after I get my sea legs re-established), some companies slowing down and vacations.  Let's be honest this time of year can be chaotic and stressful to say the very least.

Yet, here I am contemplating Family Traditions (and taking time to write out my thoughts when I should be folding laundry).  Where are your priorities Corie?!?!?  Keep reading I promise I am going somewhere with this and laundry can wait.

When Brock and I were first married we struggled to really define what OUR family traditions were going to be.  For so long we were the son/daughter and brother/sister.  Now we were Husband and Wife.  Many years we would discuss what our family of origins did during the holidays.  We talked about old memories; opening can after can of worms of emotions. Sentences began: Yes, I loved.... I hated.... My mom and dad always did.... We traveled... One year we did... I never want to do this because.... We HAVE to do this because....

We have also spent many years "invading" our friends homes to see and experience what other families did for Holidays.  We asked questions and talked more about what we liked and did not like.  Somehow, we still did not really have any defined "Lusch Family Traditions."

As I look back at those early years, I have to consider a few factors.  We were married in 2007.  I was 22, Brock 25 and we were both wrapping up our college careers.  I went on to complete a masters degree and we knew that kids were not in the cards during those days.  So when the holidays rolled around it was EASY to just pack up the car, bring the little dog, drive several hours and spend time with our families of origin.

What brings me to this moment today?  Three little beings:
Rose (Our 2010 miscarriage)
Hezekiah - 2013
Ruby - 2015

It wasn't until H, that traditions really started becoming heavier on our hearts. It's amazing what adding a little human so dependent upon you to teach them EVERYTHING will do. Those Parenting Lens that invisibly build up over your corneas change the way you look at EVERYTHING.

And just like the Parenting Lens and Life Stages that change, grow, form; so too do the Family Traditions begin to solidify.  This was my realization tonight.  In the early years we were somewhat lost because it was just us and visiting family was our tradition even though that was clearly not what we wanted long term.  Now that we have a home and kids some family traditions sneak in while others are firmly/intentionally planted.

Our family is growing up. H will be 5 in less than 3 months and R is 2.  They are sponges.  Brock and I are the water meant to keep them nourished, safe, and giving them tools to build up a firm foundation so that one day they will be adults able to leave our home confident and equipped. Much of what we teach them is based on our beliefs that Jesus is the Christ and that the Bible is true.   I know that not everyone reading this will have the same view points but we all have reasons for why we parent the way that we do.

So this year we have developed 2 new family traditions both rather by happy accident.

No automatic alt text available.Our first: out of the prompting of a photo shoot and craft day at our church.  (I have a deep desire to craft/create in multiple facets, hello writing is one of them :-))  So we indulged and came home with a Thankfulness tree. We simply painted a tree on poster-board, cut some leaves, took it home and each day at dinner we would each add a leaf. Brock even got creative a few days later and added a turkey as an envelope holder for our leaf reserves.  The kids constantly asked to add leaves to the tree and we were having conversations about what and why they were thankful.  It was a wonderful blessing to see them excited.  As the days past, the tree filled out.  As guests entered our home we encouraged them to add leaves. And then Thanksgiving past and we began to transition the decor to Christmas.

Hezekiah was upset, borderline angry, that we took down the Thankfulness Tree.  It was evident that he really loved the activity and did not want to give it up. What's a parent to do...

No automatic alt text available.Our second: Welcome the Blessing Tree.  Very similar concept.  I have painted a Christmas tree, complete with star. And we are now going to be "decorating" it will bulbs and lights.  Each will get an individual's name, a families name, or group that we will be praying for that day.  I am positive this will continue to teach our children to think outside of themselves (reducing selfishness), encourage them to consider others, let them lead prayer, teach them how to pray, and hopefully make this a long term habit once the visual reminders are no longer in place.  This is also a great reminder for Brock and I to pray for others whom are not normally on our radar.

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I am confident that H will again be disappointed when this activity is put away until 2018.  I am already thinking about ways to tap into a New Years/winter theme as well as something for Spring.  I'm looking around the house for a place to relocate the permanent frame that was previously hanging in the position and excited to see where my growing children and Jesus lead our family next in this adventure of Parenthood.
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What are some of your Family Traditions?  Have you struggled with this in the past? Brock and I would love to hear about them.  Post a comment below or on Facebook.
Signing Off,

PS: Note that my art work is far from perfect.  I quote a very good friend who told me yesterday, "It is better to be done instead of perfect."  My response to her was, "my kids won't see or remember perfect."

Praying you are encouraged.