Brock and I traveled to his parents house for our last pre-baby Christmas. It is strange to think it this way. And then I think that our lil guy is with us even if he is just inside. Pregnancy is rather odd at times. And the way that people say: "enjoy this time while it is just you two because it will never be that way again," baffles me. This is something that I have heard so many times and from the moment of conception our family went from 2 to 3. I get what people mean that life changes drastically in that we won't be able to just pop out and do what we want when we want without the responsibility of caring for others. Either way... Brock and I knew this would be life changing and it already has.

It was a wonderful visit. I am thankful that all 4 of Brock's grandparents are still with us. I hope that each of them will be here for quite a while longer so that our son might be able to meet them and build a few memories with them before their lives come to a close.
Our bitterly short visit quickly came to a close and Brock and I had to head back to Cincy as both of us had to work the next day. I feel like the entire event was all too fast and no where near long enough. I guess that is part of adulthood. I am grateful that we were able to go. Next time we are in Huntington, we will have our lil boy with us. CRAZY THOUGHT!
Baby Check Up...
We also headed to the doctors appointment for another check up and everything looks great and normal as we progress along. I learned something new this week: the doctor measured the length of my belly and I wasn't sure what this measurement referred to so I asked. Her response was that the belly should measure in centimeters as the same number of weeks that I currently am. So for instance: I am at 34 weeks in my pregnancy and I should measure 34 centimeters. I was amazed by this. The measurement indicates the baby's growth and gives the doctors an indication of what is happening within. How cool is it that the Lord gave us this simple little measure to monitor just how a baby is growing. It is just another indication of his genius and wonderful creative style! I absolutely LOVE these little tidbits of information that the Lord keeps giving me through this process.
What a Wonderful Maker!

We were also surprised this week with a package from my older sister Jessie. She made us some great onsies, found a mustache pacifier and a bib and a hat with his initials on them... This lil dude is so loved and he is not even here yet. It really amazes me how so much love can be generated for one human being when no one has met him yet. Interesting.
This week we were blessed with being able to have dinner with our dear friends and Newly Weds, David and Valerie Borton. We had not seen them since the weekend of their wedding and it was a joy to have them in our home. They are too perfect for one another and it was wonderful getting to catch up with them.
Another rather humorous fact that occurred this week.... My parents had the internet installed into their home and my mom was given a laptop for her Birthday. Now Dad, claims it is for farming purposes; but I beg to differ. I believe it is more for Mom and Dad to be able to video chat with Brock, Baby, and I. Ok, really they just want to see their first grandson all as much as possible. :-)
Another first for my family that was a bit out of left field... My Mom and Dad, who have never been interested in having any connection to technology via the internet or a computer. The story is that my parents have purchased a Laptop computer for my Mom's birthday and then added internet for the first time in my life. Mom says that the internet is so that she can skype with us and see her first grandbaby on a regular basis. My Dad says that both the laptop and internet are also going to be for in getting what he needs for the farm. ;-D I think it is cute either way and I am excited to be able to work with my parents so that they can share in life. It is true... You can teach new tricks to those willing to learn.
A few final thoughts for this week...
- Brock thinks that the babe will come early
- I had a client get up at work to do the Twist and gave the half Moon ... Yep I got a full view of that one. Ugh, I did not want to see that one at all.
- Well, I think that I am out of words for this week. Ok so there were a lot of them as well as looks of pictures. I hope you have enjoyed the journey thus far of Baby Lusch's story.
Brock and I would love to hear any feedback.