Yes it is true as to all the things that Corie has been saying about me although if she keeps telling you all the good things about me it is going to be hard to keep up the bar as the years go on. j/k.
So I have no idea where to really start so I guess I will go from the beginning and hopefully not get to wordy.
I got a call from Corie back in June asking if she should pick up a pregnancy test to which I said for what we are not pregnant. But that Saturday while camping and hiking at Red River Gorge I got a phone call early in the morning from my lovely bride telling me that I was going to be a Papa and that I could not tell anyone that day which was really hard being that I was out hiking with our church family.
Flash forward to July when we got to tell our families that happy news and I have a great video of Corie's parents finding out which is hilarious. Mainly because my mother in law is in her bath robe with her hair up in a towel, with bugged out eyes very excited and then realizes I am video taping the whole thing.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JSE5jICoU8&feature=youtu.be (copy and paste for a good laugh)
I have been able to make it to every single dotors visit that has been scheduled. I was however not able to make it to the impromptu visit where Corie got to hear the heart beat for the first time but since then I have been able to hear his heart beat every visit. Oh about that, so ever since the first pregnancy I have dealt with little fears about what things would be like if we got pregnant again. So when I got to see our little boy the first time I was overwhelmed with joy that he was moving around. We I missed the first hearing of the heart beat I went through about three weeks of weird feels thinking that we could still go through the same thing again before I get to hear the heart beat. So I had a few nights where I did not sleep well because of that but things are better.
The day we found out we were having a boy was so exciting. I was going to be excited at the same level no matter what the sex was. But to have a boy is a little less nerve racking since I feel more comfortable taking on a little boy baby than a little girl baby. Plus as he gets older the maintenance does not get higher.The name we have picked was a process because we had a boys name picked out from the first pregnancy however I feel the Lord has stepped in and given us the name we are to call our little boy and I am excited to be able to tell everyone when he is born. But Corie and I have great fun in telling random strangers his name just to relieve the pressure sometimes. For everyone else we know we tell people his name is Lazlo Orville Lusch (L.O.L.)!
I really don't have much else to really say right now but I am very calm about everything and I love babies so I don't think I am going to freak out like everyone keeps telling me will happen. I would like to ask all my friends who are mom's and dad's what is one thing that you were surprised about when your buddle of joy made it home and you thought you were prepared for?
Love you all,
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