Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Clothe Diaper Advise... PLEASE!

So I have begun searching somewhat for the brand of diapers to purchase.  I am finding so many more options that I knew were ever available for this option in diapering.

A few of the brands that I have been contemplating:      (in no particular order)


I would love to have some advise from all of you C.D. Mom's and Dad's out there.  Which brand have you used and what would you recommend?  As I'm new to this entire process, I would love some help, advise, direction.  And really I'm counting on you all.

Thank you so much for all your blessings and knowledge.  Brock and I really appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. I've given several new mom's the same advice, so here it is!

    yay for cding!!! i won't lie- it's a bit more work than sposies, but SOO much better for baby and for the environment (and most importantly, your pocketbook!)

    i'd recommend, if you can, find a cding class at your local store- it's a great way to meet new moms and to learn about different systems.

    in choosing a system, you need to weigh convenience and cost. check out for a primer on the differences between different types of diapers.

    i also found the forum on as well as the CD forum on quite informative. (and, OF COURSE, use me!!)

    One way that you could go is a trial pack from jillian’s drawers - this way you can try out a few different kinds/brands to figure out what works best for you. We had a great CD store in Bloomington that offered a class, so I'd look into that as well!

    What worked best for us in the newborn stage were prefolds and wraps and from about 3 months on were pocket diapers (which may have been fine in the newborn stage, but I hadn’t discovered them yet)

    my favorite brand for pockets are Smartipants. there hasn’t really been a pocket dipe we’ve tried that hasn’t worked in terms of fit and leakage (our dipes leak VERY VERY rarely) but Smartipants are extremely cost effective and the inserts come out in the wash on their own- meaning I don't have to touch smelly inserts . we started using them when Theo was about 3 months through potty training (another benefit of CDing- early potty training!)

    i also bought a lot of my stash (and a stash for a local CD charity) gently used. jillian's sells used diapers that are returns from the trial packs and i swear you can't tell they have ever touched a baby's bum.

    all of the choices can be VERY overwhelming.

    here is my system:
    NB stage (through about 3 months- could have used them longer, but i fell in love with pockets):
    3 dozen prefolds
    5-6 wraps (i used thirsties, but bummis are cheaper)
    2 snappis

    infant through potty training:
    24 (or so if you want to do laundry less frequently) onesize diapers of your choice- again a lot of moms I know started with these even at the newborn stage. I probably have closer to 36 now which means my dipes wear very well, because he doesn't wear each one as often

    trashcan with pail liner
    wetbags (i have 4 fairly large bags for daycare/outings)
    cloth diaper friendly detergent (I've used several types: rockin' green, allen's, charlies, country save all work well)
    cloth diaper friendly rash cream (i've used both angel baby bottom balm and grovia magic stick- both are great and last FOREVER)
    5-6 extra inserts- sometimes called doublers (for doubling/night time to use once baby is sleeping longer stretches at night)

    hope this helps! let me know if i can answer any other questions!!
