Week 26 has been rather calm and uneventful; not much happening at this point. I have had to do some research about the different health benefits that are covered in our current plan. I was told that the items I was inquiring about were not covered. This was a bummer at the time but I didn't really worry about it as it was not a necessary part of my care for pregnancy more of a preventative care item.
Insurance stuff can be so frustrating and annoying at times but I have found that patience is the key when it comes to anything dealing with the ins and outs of pregnancy.

The most exciting part of this week was taking a trip to visit our great friends: Larry and Heather Vinson and their four beautiful children. They live about 3 hours from Cincy and this was a trial trip for me as I was not sure how my body would handle the drive at this point in pregnancy. This was a "trial trip" because Brock and I want to head to my parents house for Thanksgiving. The drive to my parents house would be 7 hours and I needed to see how the car ride was going to treat my body.
We were blessed to be able to have the kids stay with their grandparents for the day and us four adults were able to enjoy some time together. We headed to Brown County Indiana where we did some shopping, walking, and talking. This was a wonderful time as the guys walked together and us ladies were able to chat as well. Catching up with the Vinson's is one of the easiest things to do. I feel like we never spend time apart. Great friends! While in Brown County we were able to visit the only shop that I truly wanted to visit: The Holiday Shop. Before Brock and I were married we visited this Christmas shop and found some really cute Bride and Groom strawberry ornaments which we promptly purchased and they have hung above our kitchen sink ever since. I just couldn't wait to go visit the shop. I had one main goal in mind and that was to find an ornament for our little guy as we had started this tradition with our first pregnancy. Peanut was for Rose and Little Dear is for our little boy. We were so excited when we found the Little Dear. I am ever so pleased with this purchase.
The second item that we found (which I was not expecting to find at all) was the advent calendar that I have been wanting to discover for many years now. My mother-in-law, Beth, has one that I think is neat but I wanted something unique and fun. I didn't really have a set idea in mind but I knew it had to be something that would last for years to come. The Holiday Shop did not disappoint! We found 2 that we absolutely loved! One was in the shape of a Christmas tree and the second a a Christmas scene. Both were a shadow box and the little compartments open so that we can put little treats in our countdown to Christmas. I couldn't help myself and knew this was the calendar that I had been searching for over all these years. And because I want to share this with you all and I am so excited ...
This year Brock and I are going to split the days and add little things here and there to surprise one another. I already have some good ideas for the little cubbies.
After the Holiday Shop, we moved on down the row of shops and we visited another shop called... The Backporch. They have the most comfortable hand made wooden rocking chairs I have ever sat it. I wish I had had the funds and ability to buy one for when the baby gets here. I have never forgotten these chairs from the first time that Brock and I visited. Maybe after the baby arrives we will be able to go back and get one. We will see. Brock also found a hammock that he enjoyed and a horse swing.
We finished up our shopping and talking and dashing in and out of the rain and then headed to Bloomington so that Brock could show us around his old stomping grounds of IU. He wanted to stop at this little gazebo where you are to bring the woman you want to marry and kiss here here. Since we were not able to do so before we got married; Brock insisted we do so now. He was like a kid running down memory lane and he was so happy to be back on that campus. (Thank you Larry for this Picture.)
Now it was time for DINNER! Brock took us to this amazing pub called the Irish Lion. They had some great food. And wonderful atmosphere in this fantastic two story building. I highly recommend going and enjoying the authentic Irish food. Oh SO GOOD!
Brock got a yard of beer and the boys split an appetizer of oysters. Unfortunately, Heather and I didn't get a picture of us together but that is not a problem.
We concluded our adventures and headed to pick up the kiddos and headed to the Vinson's home for a good night of relaxation and rest before church in the morning.
Church was very enjoyable and we unexpectedly were able to share about our own church community. We enjoyed this process and meeting all of the new people. Then headed back home for some lunch, sharing of a few gifts for the kids and more conversation. All in all is was a wonderful time with great friends.

Brock and I have been able to visit the Vinson's at each of the 5 churches where they have served. It has become a bit of a tradition. One thing that Heather said to me was: "It just doesn't feel like home until you guys come for a visit." Made me so happy and I felt so loved by this simple remark from Heather. I truly feel that We are family and for that I am so thankful. God is so good to Brock and I for blessing us so.
By the end of our 2 day adventure, I was exhausted. Well worth the energy but golly I didn't realize how much I pushed myself.
And for those who want the baby bump photo... He is growing steadily and is about 1 and 2/3 pounds and 14 inches long. He is a wiggle worm for sure. Only 14 weeks to go.