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A Stay at Home Dad and a Bread Winning Mama share their life experiences!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Rose for Our Rose

Yesterday Corie and I with the help of the Edward's family planted a rose bush at the lookout garden at CCU. It is in memory of our little rose that we did not get to meet. Even though her life was so short we still wanted to honor her memory. The Edward's reached out to us with the idea of planting a rose bush in the garden that is on camps in memory of their little girl whom went to be with the Lord a couple years ago. It was a great way to bring some more closure and also help us to move forward in feeling ready to try again at having a child of our own. Although I have not been very emotional about everything, when it all happened I was not sure how I was going to deal with my own sadness and also be supportive for Corie. However the Lord has really been teaching me a lot about how he is here to take care of us when we don't think we can take care of ourselves. Thank you to the Edward's family for the love they have shown us and also to all our friends and family you have all been so supportive. For all those who have lost a little one we feel your pain and also know that God brings great joy to those who stand in faith that God will bless us again with a child. God Bless to you all.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Perfect little Christmas Ornament...
Brock and I went to JC Penney today to return a garment and possibly find him some new work boots as the current ones are literally coming apart at the seams.
We took a side trip into the Christmas section to see if we could find our yearly ornament which we choose together. Both of us have to agree upon said ornament.
With our first pregnancy ending in our baby not surviving we choose to also find an ornament to represent her ever so short life and impression that Rose left on us.
During the pregnancy I called Rose, peanut before we had even settled upon a name.
SO this is the Ornament we Choose to forever hang on our Christmas Tree and remember Rose.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Keeping it in the Light...
It has been about 4 months since the death of our little Rose. And the desire to be parents remains within Brock and I's heart as a healthy, young, married couple. That being said, we have recently been contemplating when to begin this process again.
Honestly, I am struggling with this one as my schooling is a rather heavy load this semester and the memory of the exhaustion that comes with the first trimester of pregnancy is also extremely fresh. I am currently dealing with a sinus infection type of illness and am so tired from constantly going going going going going that I am not sure that a baby at this moment would be the best thing for myself or the child in light of the fact that I am the baby's protective life source until it is developed enough to survive on its own. (that was a long sentence/thought).
On the flip side... I so desperately want to again love my child and to have it survive so that I might be able to hold, care for, watch, teach, and grow with. I so desperately want to see my husband fulfill his fatherly role/desire. I know He will be fantastic and interesting (learning all new things) at the same time but that is all part of being a parent.
My heart is excited while my body/flesh is extremely hesitant.
I guess my prayer at this point is that the Lord would help me bring the two into alignment so that I will no longer be in this limbo state. I desperately want to follow the Lord in all things but I admit that I am a broken sinful creature who is currently still in the wilderness and is making little time for/with the Lord.
This wilderness/exhaustion I know will go away as soon as I stop and make time for ABBA, there is turmoil within me.
All this, I place here in the space of the internet not knowing if anyone is actually reading but pointing here nonetheless. An outlet really.
This is my struggle. Do with this information what you will.
Blessings to those of you who do read.
The Lord's Encouragement to Me Today.
Verse Of The Day
Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:20-21
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Puppy Dreams...
Dexter commonly naps with me sitting close by and this is how I know he is dreaming. It's so cute that I needed to share this moment with you all.
Some Sweet Cars
So over the past month I have come across some sweet cars and I thought I would share them with you.

Friday, October 8, 2010
Stop It! video... if only this is how we could really do therapy.
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Sunday, October 3, 2010
work drive
On my way to work the other day I came upon this very witty license plate.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
So It has been another long stretch since I or Brock have last visited. We recently we able to go on the Geology Field Trip which we have been participating in for the past 6 years now. This one was a bit more special as we were finally able to fully see the famous Moonbow... pictured just below...

The Moonbow is created when the Moon is very bright on a clear night and there is plenty of Mist coming off of the falls itself. You also have to have the moon to your back.
This was the highlight of the trip as we have been waiting 5 years to see this spectacular event which only occurs at Cumberland Falls in KY and Victoria Falls in Africa. Needless to say this was amazing! Follow are a few pictures from the trip taking by my amazing Friend Ronda!

Brock and I at Manmouth Cave's Natural Entrance.

The Fellowship as Brock has deemed us... Part of the trip team and no this was not a posed pic we just happened to all be standing together.

Cumberland Falls.
And this is all I have for now. I hope you are all enjoying your life and this mini post of mine. Let me know what you think of the Pics.
Blessings to each of you.
Monday, July 26, 2010
New Beginning...
What a crazy summer full of so much emotion, blessings, family, friends, and love. I have honestly enjoyed this summer but I am so very ready to have this period in my life behind me. I am looking forward to getting back into the awesome world of grad school and seeing clients again. The Lord has been so wonderful and amazing through out this experience and I am ready to see what Jesus has for me in the future.
As for now, I am taking steps to become more healthy and loose some pounds. I am attempting to be patient over the next month as I continue to work as a Nanny and wait for school to begin.
I am so thankful to have all of my friends and especially the Love of my Life Brock and most of all the ABBA Father.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Good-bye little Peanut...
Brock and I were very excited and a bit scared of the unknown that comes with becoming parents for the first time but now our little peanut is with the Lord. I had some concerning signs in my 11 week of pregnancy and before going into freak out mode I called a wonderful friend and momma of 3 who said it could be nothing but it could be very important. So I called the doctor and she said to come into the office the next day. The doc did an informal ultrasound and could not see the baby very easily but also stated that she could not see a heartbeat either. She then sent Brock and I to Christ Hospital for a Formal ultrasound where it was confirmed that our little one had passed.
Brock and I were crushed. My boss immediately gave me the week off when she found out what happened and Brock's found someone to cover his shift for the day and then the time was ours. Neither one of us wanted to go home just yet so we went and had lunch at Panera. It was so very good for him and I to have some time together in a public place. We were able to hold back some of the emotion while at the same time talk about the news we had received. We then began the process of calling our families and friends and sharing the disappointing news. EVERYONE was so supportive in how they responded; many prayed, many cooked meals, brought flowers, and gave hugs, sent cards, and some sent money so that Brock could take me home to see my family.
Throughout this whole process Brock and I have had a peace about the death of our baby. We know that God is good and has his reasons for taking our little one. June 21, 2010 was emotionally exhausting but we are doing extremely well. We were able to get a picture and will be honoring and remembering our first child. I know that God is faithful and will eventually bless us again with a bundle of Joy. Brock and I will also be reunited with our Baby in Heaven where one day our entire family will be complete once more. We are EXTREMELY grateful to all of our friends and family for the tremendous amount of support and understanding. The Lord is blessings us even through this sad time (The storm on that morning was perfect timing as I love storms and it coincided with the process of the day).
That wednesday, I had an emergency D and C to remove all of the tissue that was within and have been recovering ever since. It is incredibly difficult to loose a babe before you ever get to hold it, but dealing with the after effects are so much more difficult. I (Corie) am now a mother but not in the traditional format. And Brock a father too. I am yearning for the time of recovery/physical healing to be over as I greatly desire to be close to my husband. I am also so saddened at times when I think of our babe and then hear that others are pregnant and experiencing the Joys and I yearn for the babe I never got to meet. It will continue to be a process of healing.
I return to the doc for a check up to make sure that I have recovered properly which if all is well will be a HUGE milestone in this process. And eventually (most likely sooner rather than later) Brock and I will begin the to enjoy our marriage fully and receive a blessing of a child.
I hope for those of you reading this that it is clear. And I want to Thank everyone again for all the love and prayers. Brock and I appreciate them more than we can ever express.
Blessings to Each and every one of you.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I am making a Blanket for Brock and I's little Peanut so I thought I would share it with you all. I need to figure out how to connect the squares. I will probably stalk around Youtube to learn how. I am excited about this little project and can't wait until Peanut gets to use it. Let me know what you think. I will post another picture when I get further along in the process.
Monday, June 14, 2010
A Prune...
I found this info rather interesting and thought I would share with all of you...
Baby Lusch is now the size of a prune!
With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will start working too.) (from the
It amazes me just how spectacular God is in the molding and forming of this tiny little human within me. I am also dumbfounded that I have the capability to allow for this new creation to grow. It is all very weird and extremely cool all at the same time.
I am definitely feeling the effects as I do not sleep well, the bathroom constantly calls my name (rather bladder), and I am still nauseous most of the time. Thankfully Canada Dry Ginger Ale helps to take that annoyance away and the little 8oz cans are perfect.
I am currently making a baby blanket in my spare time and when the process starts to come together I will add a picture. Brock and I go back to the doc. at the end of the month and we will hopefully find out if the little peanut is a girl or boy. And then I can't wait to come up with creative ways to tell everyone what the baby's gender is. It will be fun.
I think that is all for now...
Peace Love and Prayers
From Brock: Also to add to this post my parents were in town this weekend to hang out and go to the Reds game. Before the game my mom and dad bought us our first bit of baby clothing. It is a cute little outfit for a boy or girl.

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Week 10...

So I thought I would kill some time and write an update on what is happening within my body. I am currently in week 10 and our baby looks something like this...
I am truly amazed at how quickly this little being is changing and growing. Lil Lusch is about 1 inch long at this point and things are going fairly well thus far. I have only had 1 appointment but we go back to the doc. at the end of the month. I am completely exhausted today as I didn't sleep well last night and due to lack of sleep I'm getting a headache... tylenol here I come. I am also very nauseous most of the time which makes me not want to eat but I do it anyway as I know lil peanut and I need the nutrition.
Now onto my amazing and wonderful Husband, Brock N. Lusch. I cannot stop bragging about how amazing and wonderful he has been throughout this entire process. Before we found out about our blessing Brock would take care of so many things that I could count, once we found out; Brock has stepped it up a million times. He does the laundry, vacuums, cleans the floors, does the dishes, cooks, takes care of Dexter and forces me to have some girl time and lots of naps. He is beyond amazing and I never knew what type of jackpot I won when I married this enormous blessing I call my Husband.
Brock I love you more than my words can ever express and I cannot thank you enough for all the love you heap upon me each day. I am excited to become Mama with you as Papa.
Blessings to all who read this. I will update again in the near future.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
1st Doctor's Visit
This is not a picture of our baby!!
Today was Corie's first doctor's visit. This was an interesting and exciting time for us. We walked into the office For Women Inc. and started filling out paperwork. I already felt like I was in foreign territory but I had fun sitting there with Corie and talking and laughing about the baby doing goofy things in the womb like bungee jumping, acting like a mission impossible person or a circus act and just running around the womb like on a wall. Then we got called into the doctors room and the process started. Questions about family and personal history, no problems to be really worried about. Then started the examination, I made fun of the paper gown with comments like trying to use it as a Kleenex to blow my nose with, and as a napkin to clean up imaginary spots. Corie was laughing which was good and then when the doctor came back in we got to see the baby's heart beating like a little strobe light. It was so cool. We did not cry like most thought we would but I have a feeling that will come when we get to hear the heart beat. It is the size of a small bean so we are calling it Peanut right now. The whole experience was so real and exciting and we are glad to be getting to share it with you all.

Today was Corie's first doctor's visit. This was an interesting and exciting time for us. We walked into the office For Women Inc. and started filling out paperwork. I already felt like I was in foreign territory but I had fun sitting there with Corie and talking and laughing about the baby doing goofy things in the womb like bungee jumping, acting like a mission impossible person or a circus act and just running around the womb like on a wall. Then we got called into the doctors room and the process started. Questions about family and personal history, no problems to be really worried about. Then started the examination, I made fun of the paper gown with comments like trying to use it as a Kleenex to blow my nose with, and as a napkin to clean up imaginary spots. Corie was laughing which was good and then when the doctor came back in we got to see the baby's heart beating like a little strobe light. It was so cool. We did not cry like most thought we would but I have a feeling that will come when we get to hear the heart beat. It is the size of a small bean so we are calling it Peanut right now. The whole experience was so real and exciting and we are glad to be getting to share it with you all.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!!

Today was Memorial Day. This day means more to me since I enliste in the Navy back in 2008 and I have a greater appreciation for all those who are serving and have served and what they sacrificed. For those that know I was in the Navy for only about 7 months with the last month being in Boot Camp. I was very ready to serve my country and then was told while up at Great Lakes that I have Keratoconus in my right eye. This was why I was sent home from the Navy. When I got home memorial day 2009 was weird because I knew in my heart that I was a vet even though I did not serve in a war situation. I did however enlist during a time of war and did what many have not done but those who felt called and were brave enough to except the calling to go and join the military. Last year my sister in law told me that "Memorial Day is your day too, I know you would go back into the Navy if you had the chance to go back" I said yes I would. Now a year later I am so happy to say I served in the military for a short time and feel a great since of honor in pride in these feels. Many people might not think that I can say these things but all I can say is at least I tried to serve but because of things beyond my control I was denied the chance to serve. So I say all that to say Thank you to my fellow SEPs and fellow military brothers and sisters for your sacrifice. Here is a list of all those who I know that have served or are serving.
Charles Walker- Navy (Deceased)
Bob McGraw- Navy
Charles Lusch- Navy (Deceased)
Jessie Scipio- Navy (Active)
Clayton Grafton- Navy
Larry Vinson- Army
Greg Clark- Army (Active)
Josh Blankenship- Army
Jefferey Shoemaker- Marines (Active)
Christopher Scher- Air Force
Tom Scher- Air Force
Brock Lusch- Navy
Brett Rooker- Navy
Andrew Scheuer- Navy
Nathan Marcotte- Navy
Cecil Helton- Navy
Paul Snyder- Navy
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Baby Registry Time
Corie and I started registering for baby stuff yesterday. We went to Target and registered for many different things. Then today we went up to Cincinnati Mills. We first stopped off at Woodcraft to see Ronda. She is a great friend of ours that we consider family. For those of you who know about the trips that we take in the fall and spring, Ronda comes on the trips and takes pictures and makes the whole weekend a total blast. She was so excited to see us today and showed us around her cool wood shop that has many cool things to lathe out. Before we left she said"I have a surprise for you" we went to her truck and she pulled out a little gift bag with some cute goodies for the baby. 
In the book was a note to the baby that was really cute. Then we went to Baby's R Us and registered for a ton of stuff there. We are so overwhelmed with everything there is to look at. It is nice that Corie is a nanny because she gets to see many of the things that are used daily so that helps a ton for me to just let her tell me what things she likes. I normally look at styles and colors and say that looks nice. I feel like a girl at a car dealership. "I will take a car that looks cool and is my favorite color". Thank God for my wife.

In the book was a note to the baby that was really cute. Then we went to Baby's R Us and registered for a ton of stuff there. We are so overwhelmed with everything there is to look at. It is nice that Corie is a nanny because she gets to see many of the things that are used daily so that helps a ton for me to just let her tell me what things she likes. I normally look at styles and colors and say that looks nice. I feel like a girl at a car dealership. "I will take a car that looks cool and is my favorite color". Thank God for my wife.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A New Beginning!!

Hello to all my family and friends. I hope that you will all stop by here and comment. I am going to be posting pictures and anything that pops in my head during this new time in our lives. On May 16th we found out by home pregnancy test that Corie is pregnant. We are very excited, nervous and scared but ready for the challenges ahead and feel that the Lord is preparing our hearts for this new adventure. We have our first doctors appointment on June 1st at For Women Inc. They came highly recommended by many women that Corie knows from school. I know that many of you have questions mainly when is Corie due and truth be told we don't know and that is one of the things we are anxious to find out on Tuesday. The past two weeks have been exciting and a bit of a blur all at the same time. I have been so excited I tell about anyone I know we are pregnant. Some of them respond with "you already told me, but I am very happy for you". One of our friends Dianne Wente kept hugging me over and over again, it was very uplifting. For those of you who don't know who Dianne is she is a great woman here in Cincinnati that gave me a job riding one of her bike taxi's when I was let go from my youth ministry during the first month of Corie and I's marriage. Her and Farley have been such a blessing to us. My mother in law and sister in law freaked out on the phone and screamed so loud when we told them that I thought I was going to buy a new phone because the speakers seemed to break. Kinda bummed that did not happened would love to have an excuse for a Droid Incredible. My parents were on skype with us when we told them and my mom said "well I guess it is time to start shopping" I am curious to see what they bring down fathers day weekend when they are here for the Royal vs. Reds game. This will be the first grand baby for Corie's mom and dad and the third grand baby for my parents. The two boys Mason and Collin are getting big and Mason was not sure what to think when he was told he was going to have a cousin. Well I think that is all the info I have for everyone for now. If you have questions let us know. We are going to Baby registering this weekend. Corie is so excited to for this and so am I. I love to shop.
God Bless you all,
Monday, January 4, 2010
boo technology...
Well I typed out a blog post and then my internet went weird and I lost the entry.... soooo more later I am getting sleepy.
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