Bread Winning Mama, Corie, here.
Today, I stayed home from work as I battle with migraines and this one just won't kick the bucket. It is one of those migraine days that I know if I drove, it would only get worse and then not safe for me to drive back home. Work would be a complete struggle and everyone would be better served by me remaining home. So, this morning I am just enjoying the company of my family while listening to the steady rain and attempting to get a few of those "pushed off" little tasks done that I just have not had time for. It is also a recovery day so relaxing and letting my body/head heal are important.
Migraines have been a battle of mine for decades and it is not easy. My entire family is affected. I am actively seeking treatment but nothing seems to help. If you suffer from these then you know what it is like. Seeking treatment is just as exhausting as the actual migraines and can lead to just wanting to give up. So that is my minor soap box for the moment.
Today, I am just trying to not let the pain of the migraine distract me from enjoying the little blessings of life. As my kiddos play peacefully today with blocks and magformers, I have to reflect and say "thank you Jesus for children who get along, play quietly and truly do love each other."
Many times these young ones drive me crazy or I lose my temper with them which they don't deserve. Then I remember these moments of peace and beauty. Ruby at 2.5 is counting correctly on her own with little prompting to get it correct. H, at 5.5, is already reading and memorizing Bible verses. They make each other giggle and help each other when they need it.
And I love that they are playing with the simple things and do not need technology to entertain them.
Ruby, in particular is just as sweet as can be. She will snuggle with me when I feel awful. She has begun playing in imaginative ways. Cooking food, making tea, being nurturing toward her stuffed animals and babies. It is so sweet to see her growing up. I am proud that she is my girl and I am her Mama. She jumps in to help without being asked. My prayer is that these little attributes will continue all the days of her life. And then she says, "Hulk Smash" and chases after her brother.
H, has been a challenge as he is getting bigger, pushing his boundaries, testing the water as to what he can and cannot do. He is also very helpful, loves serving, setting the table and doing all of the chores with us. I love seeing his heart as well.
And they listen, MOST of the time. These moments are so good to have as it reminds me that Brock and I are raising them to be amazing adults one day. I don't want to fast forward but just be present and to see all of the sweetness of their current ages. I don't get a lot of days like this since I am usually "working in the coal mine, going down down down..."
To all those readers, I say don't miss the sweet moments, the joy, the love. And call out the attributes that are good in your kids to build them up, bless them, and encourage them to grow.
It's hard being a parent and worth every moment. So take heart all you who are weary and remember those moments of joy and peace.
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