We showed up right when the zoo was opening for those who were members which means an hour of no big crowds. I strapped Ruby in to the Ergo and off we went. I wanted her to be able to see things easily without having to pick her up out of a stroller all morning. It worked really well. We went to see the Elephants and she nailed the sound they make and then we moved on to Swan Lake. She was so excited to see the ducks. We seen Giraffe's, Lions and enjoyed watching the Hippos. Rode the train and nailed a great group pic of us! Saw the baby tigers and the polar bear and black rhino. Even seen a few college friends with their kids so that was fun to catch up. After about 2 hrs it was time to go, Ru was getting cranky and I knew that meant nap time. So we said goodbye to our friends and headed home. She took a little nap, fed her some lunch till the belly which helped to them put her down with no problems.

After the past few days of things and boxing the night before it was time for a nap myself for about 30 mins. Watched some Netflix and then got Ru back up. We took mama's dress to the dry cleaner and had a nice walk. I must say it was during the walk I started to feel kind of down. The attack was about the feeling of not having a job in the marketplace. I realize this is something that I am going to feel for a little while, but I also know that this is going to be the best decision for our family.
These next few days I am also taking care of a friends dog while they are away on a camping trip so we went by to take him for a walk and then had him hang out at our house for a couple hours while I worked on dinner and picked up H.
After dinner I went up to David McMillen's house. See every other Wednesday we have a men's meeting time to talk about a book we are reading, life and just get a chance to be around other guys for the main purpose of having a brotherhood where we can know that we are not alone and that we have other men to walk along side of us and support us in our walk with Jesus.
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