So I thought I would kill some time and write an update on what is happening within my body. I am currently in week 10 and our baby looks something like this...
I am truly amazed at how quickly this little being is changing and growing. Lil Lusch is about 1 inch long at this point and things are going fairly well thus far. I have only had 1 appointment but we go back to the doc. at the end of the month. I am completely exhausted today as I didn't sleep well last night and due to lack of sleep I'm getting a headache... tylenol here I come. I am also very nauseous most of the time which makes me not want to eat but I do it anyway as I know lil peanut and I need the nutrition.
Now onto my amazing and wonderful Husband, Brock N. Lusch. I cannot stop bragging about how amazing and wonderful he has been throughout this entire process. Before we found out about our blessing Brock would take care of so many things that I could count, once we found out; Brock has stepped it up a million times. He does the laundry, vacuums, cleans the floors, does the dishes, cooks, takes care of Dexter and forces me to have some girl time and lots of naps. He is beyond amazing and I never knew what type of jackpot I won when I married this enormous blessing I call my Husband.
Brock I love you more than my words can ever express and I cannot thank you enough for all the love you heap upon me each day. I am excited to become Mama with you as Papa.
Blessings to all who read this. I will update again in the near future.