Life can be pretty unpredictable! "If you don't stop to think about what is going on around you, it's possible to miss a Big door to walk through." Sorry, I was trying to tap into my inner Ferris Bueller (Opening Monologue- Cult Classic and you really should see it if you haven't). But truly I wondered had I put myself in a situation that would pigeon hole me as just that guy everyone knows as a dad who has chosen to stay at home with the kids full time?
I am very comfortable with this but there is so much more to me and what I am doing in this new position in life. Along with caring for my kids, I am cultivating a new community that has been untouched for decades. Rallying fathers around my city to come along side each other in raising children. Don't get me wrong; our wives, girl friends, and significant others, can be a huge help but having other dads to talk to is a resource that is overlooked. And the women in our lives just cannot fill in the gaps of brotherhood, camaraderie, and support like other father's can.
With the launch of the Cincinnati Dads Group and the momentum of interest when I talk to dads all over the city, to writing this blog with my beautiful, smart and creative wife there has been a pendulum swing that has taken place. Now there is a new view of what fathers can do to be influential in this time in the world.
See, fathers are more active in their kids lives than any other time in history. It is seen in advertising and on tv shows that dads are not bumbling fools who just provide the DNA to create a child and then sit back to only come off the sideline for discipline. But instead we have a voice to help our kids exceed in their endeavors even from a young age which brings me to current life happenings.

Back around Thanksgiving, it was announced that there would be a conference happening the first weekend of February in New Orleans called Dad 2.0 Summit. This summit brings together influential Fathers from around the globe to unite as Bloggers, YouTubers, Coaches of Fathers and Influencers. The goal of the summit is to help folks get the opportunity to interact with brands/companies as well as to learn how to hone their craft of social media, advertisement and other topics.

One of my goals for the summit is to make connections with just a few of these companies. Ideally, I would love the opportunity to form a long term partnership in Cincinnati with one or multiple companies and the Cincinnati Dads Group. It is my desire to work on several volunteer projects with the fathers and with the support of a company/brand that could multiply our efforts significantly. Improving the lives of dads, making my city a better place, raising my kids, and making sure my marriage is in a healthy place are top priorities.

I never would have thought at age 38 I would be making new friends from all over the world and moving towards a new outlook on life that puts a title on what I am doing as an "Influencer and Pioneer." I am excited for this chance to step over the threshold and into the world of new possibilities for me and my family. So keep your eyes and ears open to things to come in the future because it is going to be an amazing journey.