During the last month of being pregnant, I was rather exhausted, working 2 jobs, attempting to help keep the house together, prepping for baby... Well you get the idea; blogging was not a priority and as I sit to write about those last 4 weeks I find myself not needing to share as many details or to process all the emotions I was feeling at the time. So instead of doing each week as a large post, I thought I would hit some highlights.
Week 36
- Our weekly treks to see the docs as babies birthday grows nearer begin.
- Only 15 pounds gained thus far
- Our new mattress was delivered and they couldn't fit the box springs up the stairs. :-( However, I am loving the mattress. Much more comfortable.
- Sleep is extremely evasive as I only got 3 hours one night as the uncomfortableness increases.
-I'm ever so torn between Lil Lusch come out early and for him to remain to get more of the vital development time/nourishment/growth. This is connected to the discomfort.
- And the reality of getting closer to having our baby come home with us has set in a bit more as Brock and I installed the car seat into the prius.
Week 37

- We also took some more belly pictures this week with our dear from Ronda. We had so much fun at the Krohn's Conservatory. Kate and Ella; Ronda's daughter and granddaughter joined us as well. I am thankful they were there to share the moments and give ideas for pictures. It was great fun and we got some awesome pictures.

- This week was also full of surprises. Both of my jobs decided to give me a surprise baby shower. And a third was planned for Saturday given to me by my Gladstone Church Community. My in-laws got to come and enjoy the party as well as visit for quite a while. It has been good to have them come visit a bit more than normal. I know it is due to the lil fellow growing inside but it has still been very nice.
- Brock was also very surprised as the Men of our small group took him on a Pre-dad Adventure. They went flying over Cincinnati on a rather turbulent and rough day. Unfortunately, Brock's stomach did not fair too well and while he greatly enjoyed the morning he did not feel well on his return home.
-And right in line with Brock's stomach problems, my tummy has decided to be extremely upset and it just doesn't want to let up.
- I guess this week was busier than I expected and it took all kinds of energy to get through all of the joyful experiences.
Week 38
- Getting closer and I just want this fella to come join us.
- A bit of joy was brought to my heart this week as I got to train my dear friend at work who was recently hired. I really enjoy having another friend to work with. It brings peace to my mind while I am at work.
- I have also just wanted to become a hibernating bear this week as the frigid cold has decided to move in and hang out. It makes me feel awful and just want to snuggle down in bed for the duration.
- Working at my counseling job has made me miss my internship experience tremendously for more reasons than I can count. And I really do not enjoy when clients or anyone for that matter attempt to touch my belly. COME ON PEOPLE, I DON'T TOUCH YOUR STOMACH WHENEVER I WANT TO.
- Brock and I randomly surprised each other on the same day. I came home to a clean apartment and fresh beautiful flowers and he came home to a bottle of bourbon and some pistachios. I love when we spontaneously bless each other this way. It is just another confirmation that I married the right man. ;-)
- A surprising moment came this week as my Dad guessed the name we have chosen for our son. I was stunned that he figured it out especially since we have a very non-traditional name. He was so giddy when we told him he was right. He also took the liberty to tell some people. I was not happy about this but I have since expressed my feelings, explained them, and forgiven my dad.
- And the last major event of this week was that our doctors explained there was no progress toward our little fellows arrival.
- I dealt with a migraine, which are no fun when prego because I cannot do my normal coping strategies.
- I am extremely ready for my body to be mine again or at least not have an extra residence inside of it.
- Brock and I also decided that one more night out would be a good idea. My sweet supportive hubby wanted to see the Hobbit... I wasn't opposed but i also didn't realize that is was 3 hours long. Surprisingly, I was able to enjoy the entire move with only slight discomfort due to the fact that it was really warm in the theater and well I was 40 weeks pregnant.
- This week also brought about feelings of missing Brock and I's little girl Rose. I have been open about my first child and her tiny life with many people around me. Since I have chosen this path, it has opened doors for me to be able to talk to others in a similar situation. And ministering to women who have had a miscarriage is only one way that I honor my little daughters life.
So, after 40 weeks of pregnancy and little progress toward our little guys arrival we headed back to the doctor to see what the next steps will be.
- Brock and I randomly surprised each other on the same day. I came home to a clean apartment and fresh beautiful flowers and he came home to a bottle of bourbon and some pistachios. I love when we spontaneously bless each other this way. It is just another confirmation that I married the right man. ;-)
- A surprising moment came this week as my Dad guessed the name we have chosen for our son. I was stunned that he figured it out especially since we have a very non-traditional name. He was so giddy when we told him he was right. He also took the liberty to tell some people. I was not happy about this but I have since expressed my feelings, explained them, and forgiven my dad.
- And the last major event of this week was that our doctors explained there was no progress toward our little fellows arrival.
Week 39
- Nothing too exciting happened this week. If fact it was a rather physically draining week for me. - I dealt with a migraine, which are no fun when prego because I cannot do my normal coping strategies.
- I am extremely ready for my body to be mine again or at least not have an extra residence inside of it.
Week 40
- Anticipation of the coming and going of our due date is rather frustrating. I had prepared myself mentally as I was 100% positive that our baby would not be "on time" according to the projected due date but it is still mentally taxing.
- I also realized that the stress of working at my intensive out patient counseling program has just become way too stressful for me to continue until I actually go into labor. I explained this to my boss and chose to take my leave this week. The day I left was the craziest and most stressful day that I had experienced thus far in this position. I am thankful that I was able to step out when I did as I know the stress was not good for me or our baby. The one blessing that did arrive during this transition was that my supervisor offered to continue to be my supervisor as needed if I chose to take a different position.
- In the midst of all this craziness... my friend Katie took me to a salon for the wonderful blessing of a pedicure. This was my first experience in a higher end salon and it felt amazing to have a soak, massage, and painted toes. I had not been able to paint them for several weeks and it was amazing! She brought rice crispy treats and then we went to dinner. It was a wonderful evening before my lil boy arrived.- Brock and I also decided that one more night out would be a good idea. My sweet supportive hubby wanted to see the Hobbit... I wasn't opposed but i also didn't realize that is was 3 hours long. Surprisingly, I was able to enjoy the entire move with only slight discomfort due to the fact that it was really warm in the theater and well I was 40 weeks pregnant.
- This week also brought about feelings of missing Brock and I's little girl Rose. I have been open about my first child and her tiny life with many people around me. Since I have chosen this path, it has opened doors for me to be able to talk to others in a similar situation. And ministering to women who have had a miscarriage is only one way that I honor my little daughters life.
So, after 40 weeks of pregnancy and little progress toward our little guys arrival we headed back to the doctor to see what the next steps will be.