This year Corie and I decided to stay in Cincinnati for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. For Thanksgiving we went to Howard and Jennifer Bullard's home in Rushville, IN. We have become good friends and feel they are very much apart of our spiritual family. Jordan and Lindsay the children of these fine people have become like adopted siblings of ours. For Christmas this year I had to work Christmas morning but Corie and I opened gifts in the afternoon when I got back home.

But the week before that we were blessed with a visit from Corie's mom and dad and my mom and dad. We got to spend 3 days with Corie's parents and about a day with my parents but it was such a sweet blessed time. With everything medical that happened this year it was good for the mom's to get together and be with Corie. Me and the dad's had fun talking about cars and tractors. For New Year's we are going to hang out with our friends the Hatfield's. The last time we celebrated New Year's together we all almost got arrested for having more than two people in a room with our shoes off. One of those crazy Ohio laws still on the books. Should be a good time of friends and games. Corie and I both have to work New Year's day but I have to be into work at 6am. Yeah for me :( but happy for a job.
Even Dexter got into the Christmas Spirit.
For New Years Eve Corie and I went to Niki and Caleb Hatfield's and had a great time hanging out with old and new friends.