Ok, so it has been a really long time since I last posted on here. Mainly because I don't think anyone ever reads these posts but I thought I would pick it back up again. So if you do read this blog please respond to what I am writing about so I know this is not a waste of time.
Since my last post this is what has happened. The PT Cruiser broke the day before Thanksgiving but we got it back home and was able to rent a car to get us to Illinois. In happier news we were able to pay off are credit cards and get out from under that evil debt. We also got new tires for the Cruiser which were greatly needed after one of them blew out on Corie as she was driving to work. I worked with a friend on a ventilation job and fell through the ceiling of a motel room, only minor injuries and I am ok now.
Even more recent news, I went to the Bengals game against the Lions on Sunday it was a great time and awesome seats.
I also got to meet Darth Vader and caught a Jello shot thrown from on top of a bus.
Due to our noisy upstairs neighbors Corie and I have decided to move across the hall and hopefully will have a quieter living area with only one person living above us and she is not loud at all. We hardly ever hear her. So if you have any questions for me please feel free to ask and I will answer them. Praying you have a blessed day..