Saturday, September 15, 2012

19 week Doc Appointment and PICTURES!

We had our 2nd ultra sound on 9-12-12.  Our little one was ever so cooperative and allowed us to discover the gender.  I was thrilled with how amazing it is to be able to see this tiny little human who currently call my womb home.  God's gifts to us are in this creation process is a great blessing!  We got a good review of the baby and how it's is doing.  We saw the heart and blood flow patterns, the brain and abdomen, as well as arms, legs, and feet!  Such a cool experience.  So the big news.....

Can see his Penis between 2 Plus signs... The ONE and ONLY TIME I will post this picture! 

Our little guy weighed in at 10 oz, which is right on track with where he is supposed to be.  And the only potential for problems would be the left side of the heart but we don't think this is actually a concern; more that the Dude wouldn't allow for a good picture of that portion.  This, however, may mean a 3rd ultra sound if the reviewing doc is concerned.  I don't know about you but I cannot think of a down side to a 3rd medically necessary ultra sound.  Another chance to see our little boy before he is born.... YES PLEASE!  

The doc was happy that I am still below my original weight in at my first appointment.  She said that she was not concerned with this as we are only about 1/2 way through and baby looks great.  The other reason she is not concerned is that while my gag reflex has increased, I have not gotten sick once during the pregnancy.  

After our appointment, we headed to Babies R Us as we wanted a special balloon to place on the porch of our communities meeting place to share our news with our friends.  We found a few items that we LOVED and had fun in those few moments and then it was off to work!

The rest of our pictures for your enjoyment...

Brock got a balloon to place on the Porch of our churches
Meeting place to let all of our friends know.  

Foot #1

Foot #2
Face on the Left, Belly on the Right


Some pictures we have taken over the past weekend and Brock showing off his artist abilities with the camera.

Another Onesie for our Cutest Onesie Contest... from a wonderful woman.  
Finding Nemo (Disney).  Our little guy will look great in this one!

I hope you have enjoyed this Photo Bombed post.  More to come as this weekend will be our annual Geology trip and our 19 week baby bump pictures... 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Counting the ways... 19 weeks...

I was reflecting upon some of the happenings today and all of the different things have been accomplished today.  I just wanted to take some time to count all the ways that my wonderful and sweet husband has loved me over the past couple of weeks.  I cannot express how thankful I am for him as he has served me.  Pregnancy takes a lot of energy and affects me in ways that are generally unexpected after 9 hours at work.

Brock has stepped up in so many ways... (in no particular order)

- done all of the laundry and brought it home
- taken care of Dexter more times than not including bathing him
- brought me a craved items at work and ate lunch with me
- cleaned the entire apartment multiple times
- cooked
- grocery shopping
- running errands
- bought me some new insoles and clothes
- attended every possible doctor's appointment
- allowed me to sleep at extra moments when possible
- worked a full time job
- given massages when sore
- read to when unable to sleep
- allowed me to sleep where necessary to be comfortable
- surprised me in many ways on many different days
- prayed for me and baby
- encouraged when feeling horrible
- helped me to laugh when down
- driven me to work many times
- planned and was ok with canceling date night since I didn't feel well
- compliments when I need them most and sometimes just because
- has been/is ever so patient in all matters

And more...
I need to add one small note:  he has done all of this without once complaining that I remember.  I am ever so very thankful for this man.  I cannot ask for anyone better as my husband or father of my little babe.  So my Public Thank You...

Thank You Brock for loving me in all these ways and more.  I really couldn't do life without you.  I love you!

In Baby news...
Today begins week 19 and we are headed to see the doc tomorrow for our second and most likely last ultra sound.  I cannot wait to find out what if babe is a boy or girl...I'm praying that babe cooperates.  Then it's off to work, back home to pack and get ready for our annual geology trip... Ever so excited for Wednesday Morning and Thursday Morning!...
To be continued later with a 19 week picture, trip pictures, and gender revelation... stay tuned.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

17 weeks whirl wind... Right into 18...

Wow, this week has been such a crazy week that I don't know how I have been able to get through it.  I didn't even take a picture this week as I just have not gotten to it.  Don't worry there really is not much difference.

So the most recent pregnancy symptom has been sore feet.  This started a couple weeks ago but I attributed the soreness to my job at Findlay Market where I am constantly up and moving around serving customers as needed.  It was not until Wednesday after work that my husband notices just how swollen my feet had become.  They are super tender.  I spoke to the doc who said reduce the salt intake and increase water....   Golly, I thought I had to go to the bathroom before.  I'm to observe my symptoms, watch for new ones, and report back to the doc as necessary.  I already miss my salt and it is only day two.  I hope this doesn't last long.
17 weeks

In other news.  I am ever so thankful for my wonderful church community who has been ever so supportive.  I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to have around me during my pregnancy but more importantly to encourage me in my growth with Jesus.  I am ever so thankful to the Lord for bringing Brock and I to this part of the body.  He is ever so sweet.

And in his sweetness and provisions he has done yet another blessing that was completely unexpected, undeserved and in his gracious mercy has provided a new job for me.  I am now working in a company who sells furnishings to schools (and other businesses) all over the country.  My official job title is Data Management Specialist.  After my first day of training, I am ever so exciting to see where this new adventure goes.  I really think I am going to enjoy it.  This job will allow me to sit, assisting with the feet situation.  The best part of this job, is not the hours, pay or building but that I am able to work with four of my friends/church members.  It is encouraging to be able to hear their comfortable familiar voices from across the office.  What a wonderful blessing.
So I had more to add to this first half of my post but I don't remember what it was and a lot has happened since I first started typing several days ago.

September 7, 2012
Where to begin so much to say so little time...
I am ever so blessed and cannot count the ways as they are greatly plentiful.  God is GOOD!  So I'm going to do a drive by of all the different things I want to share.

From Brittani who lives in AZ.
18 Weeks - Back off these checks
belong to Grandma!
I worked my last Saturday at the Market and was taken by my hubby to buy some maternity clothes.  That's right folks I started wearing them at 17.5 weeks.  I am happy with that!  Brock helped me pick out some key items and he was rather helpful! I was able to go to church on Sunday for the first time in months... I missed it more than I realized.  And then Brock and I were off to Indiana for a 24 hour visit with his family.  I really enjoyed the time we had with everyone.  It was good to see Brittani as she is normally in AZ, to meet Brock's great Aunt for the first time, have an adult only dinner Sunday night, see the nephews later in the evening, Fireworks in the rain, family reunion, and baby talk all along the way... Whoo talk about a drive by.  One of the highlights (and there were many) was receiving 2 more Onesies for our CUTEST ONESIE CONTEST... The first obviously came from Grandma, and the second came from Aunt Brittani.  Both reflect their personalities and are pretty cute.  As you can obviously tell from the pictures.
Brock and I were also able to snap a couple pictures of our nephews and his sister.  Mason the older brother really enjoyed playing Frisbee/Frisbee Golf with Brock.  He just started Kindergarten this year which is ever so weird to me as he was just a babe at Brock and I's wedding.  Gosh I love these little guys.

Collin and Mason 

So that was our 24 hour visit to Indiana and it was ever so fun.  I am thankful that we were able to go and that Brock and I both did not have to work on Monday.  Huge blessing!  This also meant that I only had a 4 day week.  This helped me to become more acclimated to being at a full time position.  I was ever so spoiled by the company and friends... Drive by number 2... car pooling with friends, 1 hour long lunch, hubby brought my a veggie sushi roll when I was craving at lunch, small breaks as needed, spectacular water/ice machine at work, meetings everyday at 4 including snacks (this is great because I leave at 5 so it mean I only have 45 more minutes left), Fun Name Friday where I can win a gift card at work, provided with lunch unexpectedly at work, given/allowed to take a friends massage at work (such a great massage), paid after 2 days of work that I didn't expect until the next pay period, great customers and wonderful people to work with even when they are stressed. Ok so that was a bit more scenic... Another wonderful thing happened this week as well.

I officially became Corie A. Lusch, MA, LPC, CDCA.  And a little explanation MA = Master of Arts, LPC = Licensed Professional Counselor, CDCA = Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant.  I most likely will not be using my License until after lil Baby gets here so probably not until February at the earliest.  Until then, I am enjoying my time at School Outfitters.

Boys with Aunt Brittani
On the pregnancy news front, I have gained back some energy.  I have also been able to consistently, comfortably, sleep in Brock and I's bed.  Previously, I was always too warm or uncomfortable or wide awake when I didn't want to be.  It was a difficult time but I am ever so thankful for this change in the incubation process.  The only thing that is really keeping me from sleeping lately is the need to go to the bathroom and the excitement of our next doctor appointment where we (with a little cooperation from baby) will find out the sex and get to see just how our little one is doing.  Yesterday (9-7-12) was also the first official day that I could identify that babe has been moving and i can feel it. I am positive that I had felt it in the past but just couldn't fully identify the movements.  It really is a cool and weird feeling all at the same time.

Brock and I are ever so excited about September as listed above for the appointment, the cooler weather, the geology trip this week as well headed to Manmouth Cave and Cumberland Falls, and then we get to spend the next weekend celebrating the union of our two friends.  September is a great month.  MMM I am one content and happy lady.  So excited and enjoying life.

Well I think I have rambled long enough and I'm getting ever so sleepy again.  Time for another nap.